Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Plant verses Animal Protein

A couple years ago I heard great things about The China Study and bought it for my mother. Finally, I've come around to read it myself. In perusing the introduction, it seems like it will be quite a read!

Highlights from the intro:

The authors, T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, mention a study conducted in India in which one group of rats was fed aflatoxin, a highly carcinogenic (cancer causing) toxin as well as a 20% protein diet (a similar level of protein in most American diets) and the other group was also fed aflatoxin but a 5% protein diet. The result was that all of the rats with the high protein diet had evidence of liver cancer and all of the rats with the lower protein diet were cancer free despite being exposed to one of the most potent carcinogens ever discovered.
The Campbells continue to argue that in their studies low protein diets inhibit the initiation of cancer by aflatoxin regardless of the amount of the toxin that is administered. Also, after cancer initiation, low protein diets inhibit subsequent cancer growth. Apparently, monitoring dietary protein seems so significant that one could turn on and off the cancer growth simply by shifting the level of protein consumed! That's crazy!
So what type of protein is bad? According to the Campbells the protein that promotes cancer is casein which makes up 87% of cow's milk protein and the types of proteins that do not promote cancer, even at high levels of intake, are plant proteins.
Wow! And that's just a snippet of the short introduction to the book.

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