Thursday, July 9, 2009

Choosing a Juicer

A friend asked me some good questions about juicing earlier on in my blog so I thought I'd share with you the little bit that I know.
There are a lot of juicers out there and each have their own strengths and weaknesses. When I chose which juicer to purchase I was making a decision between a masticating juicer and a centrifugal.
To masticate means to grind or knead into a pulp and that's basically what these types of juicers do. They chew up the vegetables in a slightly slower more tedious process and end up extracting more of the nutrients and juice from the vegetables.
A centrifugal juicer functions a bit differently and tends to be more common. Centrifugal refers to the spinning of the metal
bed that you push the veggies against and this force separates the juice from the pulp. It doesn't yield as much juice as masticating juicers and some people argue that the heat of the metal bed when spinning destroys some of the nutrients.
I prefer the centrifugal juicer simply because it's more convenient for my lifestyle. I don't have a lot of time to prep or clean up when I juice and masticating juicers tend to be a little more high maintenance in that respect.
I own the L'Equip Mini 110.5 (in the picture above). It's a centrifugal juicer and I LOVE IT! It's so easy for both prep and clean up and hardly takes up any space on my counter.

Here's a juice that I made today:
6 Carrots, 6 Napa Cabbage Leaves, 1/2 Lime


  1. i was just asking my coworker about her juicer today! this is helpful. i really want to get one now. i've been thinking about it for awhile. this might have just taken me over the edge.

  2. yay, do it!
    it's the kitchen appliance that i use the most frequently and without juicing it's really hard to consume the high number of veggies that the body needs each day....both practical and tasty ;)

  3. Cool! Thanks for the additional post! I was just talking with Clara and my mom tonight about juicers. My mom offered to buy us a high quality blender, and I told my mom that I was actually considering getting a juicer, and that I wanted to know more about the different benefits of blending and juicing, and that I would probably only have space in my spall kitchen for one of those appliances, not both. So we'll see...

    Know of any good sites that contain info about juicing?

  4. I haven't found a go-to juicing site, but when I want to look up something regarding juicing and health, I search "juicing health benefits" and usually find pretty helpful sites.
    Let me know what you find!
